Why the 20-20-20 rule is important for eye health

Why the 20-20-20 rule is important for eye health

You may not have heard of the 20-20-20 rule, but this simple practice is helping to relieve the eyes and vision of patients around the world. The 20-20-20 rule is designed to help counteract the effects of a common condition called eye strain and is sometimes known as digital eyestrain since it most often occurs as a result of prolonged time concentrating on a digital device like a computer, tv screen or smartphone. Our increasing reliance on digital devices has meant that the number of cases of digital eye strain has dramatically increased over the last few years, peaking in 2020 as a result of so many people currently working from home and relying on technology to keep them connected with colleagues, as well as friends and family.

What are the symptoms of digital eye strain?

Digital eye strain can cause a wide range of different symptoms, many of which can also be attributed to other eye conditions. For this reason, if you experience any of these effects it is important to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor, who can confirm an accurate diagnosis and ensure that you receive the right treatment and support.


Some of the most common symptoms of digital eyestrain include the following:

-       Sore, itchy, or burning eyes

-       Eyes that feel heavy and tired

-       Excessive watering of the eyes

-       Dry eyes

-       Headaches and/or migraines

-       Sore neck, shoulders, and/or back

-       Increased sensitivity to light

-       Problems with concentration and memory

-       Daytime fatigue

What is the 20-20-20 rule?

The 20-20-20 rule is recommended by the vast majority of eye doctors. It is fairly simple. For every 20 minutes, you should shift your eyes to look at an object that is at least 20 feet away from you, and you should do this for 20 seconds. If you are worried that you will get distracted by the tasks you are doing, you can always set an alarm on your cell phone or computer to remind you to take this crucial break.


Why is the 20-20-20 rule important?

The main purpose of the 20-20-20 rule is to give your eyes an opportunity to relax and refocus. Most digital screens require significant concentration and focus, and when we spend long periods using them, it means that our eyes are under strain for prolonged sessions. We even blink less as we concentrate on the task in hand. This can cause our eyes to become dry, which can exacerbate the effects of the strain. However, when we move our attention to something at a different distance away, our eyes need to refocus in order to see it clearly. To do this, the lens inside the eye relaxes and changes shape. To achieve maximum alteration in the shape of the eye so it relaxes, you should look at something at least 20 feet away from where you are. It takes around 20 seconds for the eyes to completely relax and refocus, and experts recommend that you do this every 20 minutes to prevent your eyes from becoming strained.

How does the 20-20-20 rule help with eye health?

Living with the effects of digital eye strain can be unpleasant and even debilitating, with worsening symptoms able to disrupt your ability to perform many days to day activities. However, that isn’t the only problem faced by prolonged screen use. Some studies have found that patients who experience long periods of digital eyestrain without treatment could be more likely to go on to develop vision problems in the future, such as cataracts or macular degeneration, both of which can lead to irreversible vision loss. It is best to protect our eyes from overuse and strain by taking regular breaks and giving our eyes the opportunity to rest as much as possible.


For more advice on preventing digital eyestrain and the 20-20-20 rule, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert eyecare team.

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